Sunday, April 22, 2007

assignment 9

this article talks alot about how recent trends in clothing and attitude have changed so much in our generation. i think this has alot to do with our values. see now adays people are judged nearly as much about what they wear or how they look because most people are so accepting to so many different styles. for instance i go to the movies to buy a ticket and i see the 2 workers selling the tickets. the one looks clean cut and is smiling where as the other one has so many piercings their face looks like a tackle box. instead of assuming the clean cut worker is a better working purly on looks i might stand back and see how fast the lines are moving. so instead of assuming one is better because of looks, i would rather wait and see whos line is moving faster thus, in my opinion, the faster moving line would be the better worker and the one i would choose.

From babies on board to power teens

this writing was about how our generations has had so many different labels and why/how we got these labels. I liked this article alot because i never really realized how many bad statistics there were about our generation. i can easily relate to the struggles our generation has gone through and is still going through. my parents were divorced when i was only 1 and i had an extreamly difficult childhood visiting between two parenting styles: overprotectiveness and child neglegence. i also have had to deal with alcoholism all through my family from my dad (thats why my parents divorced) step-dad, grandpa, uncle and almost every other male in my family. so its nice to know that i am no where near wierd in those aspects because of how commonly those instances are reported.

Generation Next

In the video Generation Next it talks about many of the new variables that our generation has to deal with. i liked this video becuase it had actual thoughts and opinions of other people that are in my generation that i can agree and disagree with. some of the things i can agree with is the new technology we have today because i use a lot of it everyday (cellphone, mp3 player, laptop, etc.) but some of the things i have never delt with but still see commonly are our generations huge debt and the trend of religious youth groups. i am in debt from college loans but im making payments on them monthly already and ive never had and sort of credit card debt. also i am not very religious and although i see many people going to youth groups i still see a common trend of people like me that are moving away from religion and i think the chuch loyality might be fading amoung our generation.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

assignment 7

I would have to say that I most definatly agree with these articles. as a generation we do ask questions about everything, if we are asked to do almost anything we will ask why to make sure the task is even worth doing before we do it. so since the president is almost always asked why we are in iraq and never really has a just answer, he has lost almost all of our generations support.